Indoor air pollution, air quality in schools : SEARCH I & II project
Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, ISPRA-Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ri- searchentale
The SEARCH Project
The SEARCH (School Environment and Respiratory Health of Children) project took place in two time phases (SEAR- CH I 2006 -2009 and SEARCH II 2010-2013).
It was created on the initiative and with the support of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Health within the framework of the Environment and Health process of the European Union of the World Health Organization whose institutional reference is the Conference of the Ministers of Health and Environment of the 53 countries of the European WHO.
In the IV Conference (Budapest 2004) the Ministers signed the adoption of the European Action Plan for the environmental health of children (CEHAPE) and the commitment to implement initiatives related to priority risk factors, including air quality indoor, commitment confirmed also in the 5th Conference (Parma 2010).
The SEARCH was born as a response to CEHAPE, providing an
knowledge contribution on the environmental quality of a sample of schools, children's health, the energy performance of school buildings and the comfort of pupils. In total, SEARCH involved 7800 children (between 10 and 12 years old), 388 classrooms in 100 schools in 10 participating countries. The SEARCH project ended in November 2013. The final results of the project are presented in the publication "Making School Healthy: Environment and Health Challenges meeting" by the REC.
In addition, the Italian SEARCH II project team issued a working document "Targeting indoor air quality in sustainable patterns" on the role of sustainability policies in protecting the quality of indoor air. Both documents are available on ISPRA and REC websites, respectively at the links: http://www. and http://search.rec. org/
The study and evaluation activities of the SEARCH Project
The investigations were carried out during the winter period and mainly concerned environmental and micro-climatic investigations: measurement of indoor and outdoor concentrations of priority pollutants (BTEX, Formaldehyde, PM, NOx), CO2 and microclimatic parameters (temperature and relative humidity) in classrooms.
Classroom crowding
Surveys in partner countries showed that the average available space per child is 2.02 square meters per child (in Italy the Ministerial Decree of 18/12/1975 provides for a crowding index of 1.81 square meters for middle schools). It was also found that overcrowding is related both to the concentration of particulate matter and CO2 in the classrooms and to the increase in children's symptoms.
Pollutants - some data
An association has been found between the type of paint used for classroom walls and allergic symptoms, and between concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and renewals.
classrooms: VOC concentrations are significantly higher in classes that have been renovated for less than 2 years. (IMPORTANT DATA FOR THE LEVELS OF FOR- MALDEHYDE)
A positive association has been found between children's perception of "fresh air" and measured CO2 concentrations. On average, children perceive the air as sufficiently "fresh" at CO2 concentrations below 1525 ppm (ASHRAE standard 62-1989 indicates in 1000 ppm the optimal comfort value). Investigations also show that in case of perception of "bad" air there is a high risk of developing headaches compared to cases where the perception is of "good" category [OR=1.96 (IC 1.66-2.32)].
The UMANA CHILDREN project had its Start in China, the campaign to raise awareness of the problem of indoor pollution and health protection in environments where children have a higher risk of being in contact with pollutants harmful to their health ,with the intent to involve children in nursery and primary schools, share projects, stimulate curiosity and sanitize the environment in which they spend time.
From this magnificent experience was born the project UMANA SCUOLA AMICA DELLA NATURA, carried out by Loggia Industria Vernici: with Umana we entered primary schools and kindergartens, where we tried to give our contribution to improve the quality of the air we breathe every day. The project foresees the involvement of children for the realization of a poster on the theme of nature, and the beauty of the project lies in the sharing and planning of a common idea Nature is our friend and must be protected, we are nature .
The air is the vehicle through which pollutants move in the environment, it contains a large number of microorganisms harmful to human health and the healthy growth of children.
The ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA' (I.S.S) has created a research commission of specialists and institutions at national level for the study of indoor pollution, including La Sapienza.
UMANA allows to transform SMOG and PAHs into simple particles of mineral salts in a simple, effective and safe way.
The "ScuolAmica della natura" project was born, a campaign to raise awareness of the problem of indoor pollution and to safeguard health in environments where children have a higher risk of being in contact with pollutants harmful to their health. The project was conceived and carried out by Loggia and will continue to be supported and pursued by every LOGGIA STORE and WHITE STORE store, not only in Italy but also abroad (first project at international level UMANA CHILDREN IN CHINA).
Where UMANA is donated to the institute participating in the project.
All this accompanied by creativity, the essential element is the "green light to imagination" !